Tatiana Bilbao S.C.

Mexico City, Mexico

Tatiana Bilbao tries to influence the cultural and economic development of space in reaction to the dehumanizing effects of global capitalism. Her work includes an open-air chapel for the Ruta del Pelegrino in Mexico (2011), and a house for artist Gabriel Orozco (2008). Bilbao’s firm was the recipient of the Berliner Kunstpreis in 2012, and the Global Award for Sustainable Architecture Prize in 2013. Tatiana Bilbao is currently on the faculty at Yale School of Architecture. 


“Tatiana Bilbao: What architects can learn from nature,” BBC, Jonathan Glancey

Biennial Project: Tatiana Bilbao S.C. Sustainable Housing. Courtesy of Chicago Architecture Biennial / Tom Harris, 2015